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Renie supports local Sharjah police heroes by sponsoring two Renie Bins for Sharjah Police’s Al Wasit Center


Renie is proud to announce its recent initiative to enhance sustainability efforts in the UAE by donating two Renie bins to the Sharjah Police Al Wasit Center. This thoughtful contribution aims to assist the Sharjah Police in managing their waste more effectively and responsibly.

The Renie-sponsored recycling bins are designed to facilitate the separation of different types of waste – such as paper, and plastic – right at the source. By simplifying the recycling process, Renie hopes to inspire other government organizations and municipalities around the UAE and the region to adopt more sustainable practices, making it easier for everyone to contribute to a cleaner environment.

We are happy to provide two of our Renie smart recycling bins to the Sharjah Police,” said Sander Van Waes, CEO of Renie. “It’s a small but important step towards a cleaner environment, and we believe that every effort counts when it comes to protecting our planet, especially for those dear men and women whose purpose is our happiness and safety.

The introduction of this recycling bin at the Sharjah Police Al Wasit Center marks a significant move towards promoting environmental responsibility. It is a part of Renie’s broader commitment to transforming waste into income and sustainability across the UAE, aiming to encourage both public and private sector entities to take proactive measures in waste management.

Setting an Example for Others

With the installation of the new recycling bins, the Sharjah Police Wasit Center Staff are now better equipped to handle waste in a way that aligns with global environmental standards. Their leadership in this initiative sets a positive example for other organizations in the region, demonstrating that sustainable practices can be seamlessly integrated into everyday operations.

Renie remains dedicated to supporting such initiatives and will continue to seek out opportunities to contribute to the UAE’s sustainability goals.